This is part of my series on What To Do When You First Need To See A Matrimonial Attorney The next point would be to use the internet as a tool to look up basic concepts of law in the State of New Jersey so that you know what you are looking for and what to ask in your initial interview. Concepts like alimony, child support, equitable distribution, timelines for pleadings and discovery are all commonly used phrases that are easily definable through the internet. You can go to reputable websites that give you an amalgam of information about divorce law in the state that you are residing in and where your case will be heard. By doing this in advance of your first interview, it gives you a leg up on the phraseology that matrimonial attorneys use and also gives you an idea of what actually your case is going to involve and what the terms used by the attorney actually mean. You would be surprised how many people have never heard of concepts like equitable distribution. Furthering your knowledge of these pivotal phrases will certainly assist you and give you a head start in the beginning of your matrimonial case.